Koh Samui

In the words of Keanu in ‘Point Break’, “I caught my first (wave) today sir”.

Well it was yesterday now but there was actually surf. Sure it wasn’t great. Probaby about as good as Coogee on an average day but I’m not complaining. Usually there is absolutely NO surf. No surf anywhere. All the beaches are just like a hot bath that you sit in for 5 minutes in an effort to cool down, get bored and get out again wondering if it was worth the effort to get all sandy and salty. Even if the waves aren’t the best, there is still the anticipation that a good one will come along!!

I’m in Koh Samui now, an island off the east coast. I came here a few days ago to go to the full moon party. I’ve also been a bit sick with the food and have only really come right in the last 2 days after a week of spending time with my new porcelain best friend.

I’ve hired motorbikes a couple of times now. They are the best and easiest way to get around. The one I hired the other day had a failing front brake but my undersized helmet and thin T-shirt were protection enough for me.

I’ve also come to another realisation. The stereotype about asians being terrible drivers… They aren’t. I think it is mainly to do with the road rules or lack there of that makes all the difference. People are a lot more cautious over here so even though most people ride around without shirts, helmets, sometimes carrying 3 kids and a dog, other drivers are very aware of the other traffic around them. They drive more slowly to allow others to be aware of them. Sure they overtake on the wrong side of the road against a torrent of oncoming traffic but they toot there horn and indicate and everyone is happy with this. It seems to work pretty well. The worst drivers I’ve seen have all been cocky westerners driving way too fast and way too close to the all too  vulnerable motorbikes other vehicles like little kitchen carts which travel around and sell you roadside food. This is what I’ve experienced so far. Bangkok may be different.

I bought a new camera too!!  😀 But left the fracking thing in Phuket at a hostel so I have to go get it.

I’ve seen some fantastic ladyboy caberet here also. The show I went to last night had some really hot dancers/singers. Even with the male body shaped their faces were beautiful. The only way you could tell for sure was when they went round shaking everyones hands at the end. Big and rough like a brickies!

Anyway that’s enough for now. Off to watch another caberet show and see some women kickboxing!

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